Fact sheet

Hiding Spot Games

Release date:
Out Now


Xbox, Steam, Nintendo Switch

Press / Business contact:

Twitter, TikTok, Discord


Beacon Pines is a cute and creepy adventure game within a magical storybook. You play as both the reader of the book and its main character, Luka. Explore the town to find word charms and use them to change the course of fate.

Key Features

Uncover The Truth: Something strange is happening at the old warehouse, and Luka and his friends seem to be the only ones taking notice. Sneak out late, make new friends, uncover hidden truths, and collect words that will change the course of fate!

Rewrite Past Events By Using Charms: While helping Luka investigate the strange goings-on in Beacon Pines, you’ll collect special golden charms, each with a word engraved on it. These charms can be used at certain turning points in the story to fill in a blank word and drastically change everything that follows.

Discover Different Story Paths: As the book's reader, you’ll navigate the story’s turning points using The Chronicle: an interactive story tree that branches and grows along with your choices. Exploring one set of events can unlock new charms to use on another branch, leading you to jump back and forth between entirely different versions of the story in order to unravel the mysteries at the heart of Beacon Pines.

About the Developer

The common thread between all Hiding Spot Games projects is feeling. The music, art, story, and gameplay all serve that common goal. Hiding Spot Games is an indie game developer based in Austin Texas, with team members scattered around the globe. Their previous game, Flipping Legend, is the highest rated iOS game on MetaCritic for all of 2017. Before that, they made Ephemerid, a musical adventure game that won the IGF award for excellence in audio. Their newest game, Beacon Pines, is their most ambitious project yet.



Logos & Icon

hiding_spot_logo - matt meyer.png


Hiding Spot Games- Developer

Matt Meyer
Creative Director and Writer

Brent Calhoun
Designer and Writer

Ilse Harting
Lead Artist and Designer

Tim Garris
Marketing Manager

Fellow Traveller - Publisher

Chris Wright
Managing Director

Stephen Gray
Finance Director

Fiona Murray
Finance Manager

Marla Fitzsimmons
Head of Marketing

Lisa Villaume
Product Manager

Ben Kosmina
Channel Marketing Executive

Des Gayle
Head of Production

Louis Li